
Welcome to The Heroes Universe Blog Site! We are pretty new so don't expect too much right now. But we should have all the latest news for the new Season titled "REDEMPTION". We also have another site under construction that has tons of downloads and media. You should be able to reach it through the sidebar links to the right. Anyway, Enjoy!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Final Episode Revealed!!!

NBC leaked a script photo (witch I'm not allowed to post) showing the production number 419. below the title showed ''Revelations''. I will try to post the photo as soon as possible.

UPDATE 12/4/09
Episodes 16 and 17 were confirmed by ODi

Chapter 16/418 ''The Art Of Deception''
Chapter 17/419 ''The Wall''

UPDATE 12/12/09
NBC officially confirmed that there is indeed an extra episode. Witch means there's 19 hours this season. The grand finale is titled "The Brave New World"

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