
Welcome to The Heroes Universe Blog Site! We are pretty new so don't expect too much right now. But we should have all the latest news for the new Season titled "REDEMPTION". We also have another site under construction that has tons of downloads and media. You should be able to reach it through the sidebar links to the right. Anyway, Enjoy!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

VOLUME 6?!?!?!?!?!?

I'm sure you've all heard all ready - Brave New World or Revelations?

The Facts

  • James Kyson Lee said in an interview that the volume 6 title is A Brave New World
  • E: Online reports volume six will happen, and the title is The Brave New World
  • Leaked script photo shows the title Revelations 
So witch one?

Well NBC is still deciding wether they should renew it or not, but that delayed because of the whole Late Night Disaster. But in the mean time we leaked Episode Titles!!!

5x01 - Reborn
5x02 - Absolution
5x03 - River River
5x04 - Chaos Factors
5x05 - 

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