
Welcome to The Heroes Universe Blog Site! We are pretty new so don't expect too much right now. But we should have all the latest news for the new Season titled "REDEMPTION". We also have another site under construction that has tons of downloads and media. You should be able to reach it through the sidebar links to the right. Anyway, Enjoy!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Heroes Complete Score

Do you want the music from heroes? get it here. PLUS theres an official Soundtrack for only 15 bucks!

Heres the track listing for my extended soundtrack.


2) Catching Cabs *

3) The Bennets' Theme*

4) Yataa!*

5) The Tale Begins... (Reprise)*

6) Recap Theme

7) Hiro Sees Himself?*

All tracks marked with a star (*) are from Heroes Music Track.com

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